Thursday 13 November 2008


I'm ready to throw up my hands and just give up!! That's it people, I'm done. There has never been a crazier, more complicated, insane time in my life right now. I wiped my ass this morning and was able to wipe my nose at the same time. (That was a really bad analogy of my head being in my ass.) Laugh, it was funny. Seriously.
So, as of yesterday, I had two broken computers. The desktop is refusing to acknowledge that it has a monitor. Bugger. I can fix it but I'm just too damn lazy. Yesterday the laptop (excuse me, "portable") decided it didn't like me either and was failing start-up. This little hiatus turned into four hours of Dell tech support, starting with hardware diagnostics (confidence test -- apparently my "portable" has inherited some of my psychological issues), ending in a reinstall and the tech (while remotely logged into my PC) turning on my webcam to find me asleep on the phone while he installed my drivers. Nice. I'm convinced now that it's the Big Man Upstairs telling me to read a damn book for a change.
I really want to finish my tattoo. It's coming up to that time where I need some pain. Physical pain that is, the kind made by sitting in a chair letting some crazy guy dig an ink-filled needle into my arm. It's a relief, a release, an adrenaline cleansing. I'm going to get my sleeve finished and then I'm going to start the other arm and do another sleeve and then maybe start my back and get a back piece but I'm not sure. I want the sleeves, yes, 100%. They're something that I've always wanted. Now that I have almost have of one done, I'm going nuts for it to be finished so I can start more work. How insane is that? I LOVE TATTOOS!! I also need more piercings. Replace the ones that I took out. Maybe I just have a thing for needles?? It could very well be. Uh oh, what if I have a needle fetish? No, I don't have that because it's not a sexual thing for me to get a tattoo/piercing but rather an emotional one, a purge of sorts. It's really very hard to explain but I can honestly say that watching the armband and sun get covered up is very cleansing, like a whole chapter of my life is closing and I'm moving on to something more beautiful....both art wise and life wise.
I have send a HUGE shout out here to Christian MacEachern at East Coast Studios. That boy is one hell of an artist. Thank you bunches man, seeya soon!!

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