Tuesday 26 August 2008

Response to Cape Breton Post article on ATVs

Response to front page article: Blueberry Hill/ATV issue.

I was saddened reading the article on the front page of Saturaday's issue (dated August 23, 2008). I have to say that being a long time ATV enthusiast, engaged to a long time ATV enthusiast (over 15 years), I was offended by the broad spectrum brush of which we were all painted. I was further offended when reading the multitude of hate filled responses to the article online. I can't sit back and bite my tongue on the issue.

First of all, Mr. Serroul is mistaken in saying that the Blueberry Hill area is not an ATV trail. It is, in fact, a crossover trail linking the two halves of the main marked trail which is split by Victoria Road. Approximately eight years ago (the time he says the issue began), the RCMP at the time asked that ATV/MX riders use Blueberry Hill instead of travelling Victoria Road. It was a safer route for ATV riders, regular traffic and pedestrians. The police are also known to use this trail when they are on their ATVs for their own purposes.

A second note, Mr. Serroul does not make it easy on himself when it comes to ATV riders. He has been known to come out of his home or stop his car to yell obcenities. I know this because I have witnessed it first hand. Mr. Serroul has also been known to swerve his car toward ATV riders, running them off of the dirt road and into the uncleared bush. I know this also because my fiance and I, plus a number of our friends who live and ride in the Whitney Pier area, have been victim to it. I will admit that there were no phone calls to police because we all passed it off as just an angry man who was set in his ways. We have tried to keep our riding in the area to within respectable hours, considering that maybe the noise of the bikes was what was bothering him. Now I can see that we all should be covering ourselves and filing the appropriate reports.

As for a death on Blueberry Hill, that can happen anywhere ATVs are able to go. The gentleman who died in that accident was a friend of my fiance's, well loved and well respected. What happened was an unfortunate accident that could have happened to anyone. I think that he deserves a little more respect than to be belittled in an attack article in a local newspaper.

As for a car on Blueberry Hill -- it's called Blueberry Hill for a reason and there is more than one way to access it by road. If you see people up there in cars at this time of year, they're most likely picking berries. I have been guilty of that offence myself, picking berries with my kids. Harmless.

Mr. Serroul has tried many avenues before regarding this issue and has been shot down at most of them. Approximately three years ago he had contacted his local MLA about the issue. There was nothing done because the area is marked as a crossover to avoid higher traffic main streets and highways. Just as ATVs are allowed to cross the Sydney-Glace Bay Highway by CBU, they are allowed to cross Blueberry Hill. Mr. Serroul was sent a letter stating this from the MLAs office. How do I know? I was doing a school work term there at the time.

As for the comments online: Not everyone who owns a bike is in receipt of Social Assistance Benefits, nor are they drug dealers. All the people that I know who ride work full-time jobs, have families, pay taxes and buy their vehicles with the credit they had built. If they don't have enought credit, they save their money. I will admit it's not a cheap sport/hobby but it can be fulfilling, keeps you moving and keeps you outdoors. ATV riding is not is not something that is illegal nor is it dangerous when the right precautions are taken. It can be just as dangerous to drive a car or street bike on the roads -- accidents happen whether we like it or not, some are avoidable but most are not.

As for walking trails. I hate to say it but there are no marked walking trails in this area. There are marked hiking trails toward Baddeck, Ingonish, Washabuck, etc but none in the CBRM. If someone is walking in the woods, they are most likely walking an ATV offroad trail. Also, people who are large plots of land or farms also have ATV trails for their personal use so it is possible that whoever was walking in the woods was actually trespassing on someone's property.

People on ATVs have to take responsibility for themselves. Yes, there are some who blatantly disrespect law and safety but the majority are normal, law-abiding people who merely enjoy a different type of fun. I believe this is a case of one bad apple spoiling the whole bunch. If Mr. Serroul and others are so concerned, why don't they write the license plates down off of the bikes? By law, every bike has to be licensed, registered and insured, which most are so why aren't they writing the information down.
I could speak a lot more on the issue but I think I've made my point.

Monday 25 August 2008


I'm bored and straightening my hair again. My dog is upstairs trying to lick my kids but they're trying to sleep so it's not a good combination. Oh...here she comes, down the stairs being clumsy and stupid. Big Stupid Puppy. I love her because of that though. She wouldn't be my Kita if she was any different. Well, she's going to be a little different if she doesn't leave the cat alone. Sasha the 3-lb ninja is going to do some serious damage to the poor puppy if she doesn't leave her alone to sit in the window.

I'm getting tired of trying to get my hair done. It's the neverending head of hair. Seriously, it's too damn thick! I have to say I miss the length of it and completely regret getting it cut. It was a bad decision...a very, very bad decision and I want my hair back....not hair ON my back, just have my hair back, to the length it was before...ugh...you know what I mean.

Anyway, I'm off to see if I can find some Poopsy-Daisy. Miami saw it on the Home Shopping Channel and it's f'n fantastic. This stuff is the best invention EVER!! If it's not the best invention, the name is certainly going down in the history of products as having one of the most original and humourous of all product names. I've never tried it but I certainly want to buy it, if for nothing more than mere entertainment value.

C'mon -- POOPSY-DAISY -- yes, I did make that brown on purpose.

Here's the sales pitch or, at the very least, the way I would personally pitch the product:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have for you today one product that you should not be without. Leave it in your bathroom, carry it in your purse or bag, take it wherever you go that may have a washroom. This amazing little product will take the smell out of a bull after a chili tasting contest, a man after a weekend of nothing but beer and barbeque and preggo poops which, as we all know, are the worst of all!!

All you have to do to use this amazing, one of a kind, piece of Heaven product is simply drop some into the toilet before the dreaded Number Two and as soon as that turd hits the water -- BAM -- stench is now neutralized!! You can now poop in peace no matter where you are!! No more worries about co-workers discussing your potty aroma behind your back, your children having who has stinkier parents contests or your spouse complaining about not being able to follow you to the crapper!! Remember, it's simple, squirt the bottle before you squirt your bum and you will stink no more....

Finally we can all be proud and loud and say, "MY SHIT DON'T STINK!!"

Sunday 24 August 2008

Bic pens lead to going home...

I'm tired and doing my "typing with my eyes closed" exercise again. I'm hoping the kettle will boil and my tea will make itself, or Kita the Amazing Tea Brewing Dog will do it for me....wishful thinking. Having the old eyes closed is interesting, feels more like I'm talking to myself than writing out a another blog post. Of course, I do have to admit that I talk to myself quite a bit and I certainly make no apologies for it considering I'm alone most of the time, who else am i going to talk to??? Maybe that's why I have animals -- then it doesn't feel like a form of mental illnes but rather conversations with my pets.

This blog is taking me forever to write. Between these two paragraphs I had two cups of tea, watched some TV but don't know what I watched because I was completely spaced out thinking about work tomorrow, making a lunch, having to get up so early in the morning, do I really want to go to bed with wet hair....and on and on ad naseum. Lily going into grade one is weighing a lot on my mind. I just can't get over how big she's getting, how old she's getting. She's an amazing little girl, so smart. I can't think about it or I'll have a Mom-Moment and start snivelling.

I was asked a stupid question: Is that a tattoo? First, if you've never seen what I look like, I have a very large tattoo on my left arm, a 3/4 sleeve. It's not coloured yet as it's not done but you can tell what it is. I walked into a Tim Horton's bathroom and the girl washing her hands asked me that. I just made a face and said yes but a friend of mine had a better idea. He said I should have told her it was a birthmark, that I had a rare disease that caused my body to excrete ink in fancy patterns. He told me to tell her that the Bic company came here every six months to drain my arm to make pens.

I'm having a shitty weekend. It's one of those times that I want to go home. I don't mean where I live now but where I grew up. The problem is that I can't. My parents are gone, the house is sold, there is no going home. It makes me sad. I miss them, I miss Norwood Street. In an odd way I miss my old, crackhead town. I can't wait to go back there even if I can't be exactly where I grew up. At the very least, I can go back to where I spent a good chunk of my formative years. Then I would be close to my sisters, neices and nephew, close to my friends -- the family I have left. I wouldn't be spending all of my evenings completely alone once the kids are in bed. I could have people over without either me or them having to drive twenty minutes to a full half hour to see each other. I like where I live but sometimes you have to go where your heart is and that's as close to home as you can get. I think I'm just sick of being lonely.

Being lonely sucks...

Sunday 17 August 2008

Excuse me?? Your tea isn't gold you know.

What an absolutely insane weekend. Between rotten green peppers, getting sick, broken cigars, broken hearts, weird people and horrible customer service experiences I'm surprised I haven't gone completely insane.
A local grocery store had a whole set of rotten green peppers. Every single green pepper in their little display basket was growing some sort of grey fuzz around the stem and a horrible bruise that was rotten right through. The worst part was that each green pepper was arranged so the good side was facing up as if they were purposly hiding the fact that they were all bad!!
After walking out of that store I decided to go somewhere else. While I was running around in Sobey's I stopped to grab the green peppers for my stir fry after I found some ground beef, a lady looks at me and says,
"You're too young to look so angry."
Then she walked away. I had no idea what to say. I just stood there completely shocked at what this woman just said to me. With green peppers and meat in hand (that sounded dirty) I just watched her walk away, totally bewildered. I had absolutly no comment for her and all I could think of was that my kids were in the car getting cranky, I just found out one of my friend's had his heart shattered/smashed/demolished (not even getting into that), the store I just came from was disgusting and I was starting to get sick. Of course I looked angry, I WAS angry. I was angry at the gross store, angry at the price of ground beef, angry that I was getting sick and had a raging headache, angry that my kids were cranky and acting up, angry that my friend was hurting and now angry at this crazy lady with her strange comments. I scowled, raised an eyebrow and kept squishing green peppers, it was all I could do. I think Big Cranky is right in that every now and then we just have to puck someone in the head. On that note.....
Tim Horton's sucks. Not all of them, just the one in town by the old betting place. I sat in a drive-though for 15 minutes and no one moved. We turned the car around and being a good passenger, I went in to get our order. Besides, I had to pee. The bathroom was a mess, there was toilet paper and newspapers all over the floor plus someone PISSED all over the stall. It was just lovely. So, after using the men's bathroom which, for some unknown reason, was exponentially cleaner than the woman's, I went to order. I stood at the counter while one person slowly did the drive-through, one person watched her, another person was making sandwiches and chatting with some guy. I should've known something was up because the two men who were in line before me left as I got there with nothing but a lot of swearing. I stood there. I was obviously waiting to order since there was a big, green twenty dollar bill in my hand but the one just standing there walked away grumbling that her "shit was finished and going on break". The other ones just kept doing what they were doing. After ten minutes of standing there and excusing myself to break their conversation, I flung up my hands, said "fuck this!" as politely as possible and left. I got my tea somewhere else, somewhere that has much better service and much better tea -- ROBIN'S.
I won my eBay auction for a brand new copy of the "The Story of O'' and it's being shipped this week. I'm really excited to read it since everyone I've been talking to is saying it's a good book. Right now, I need a really good book. Movies aren't doing it for me anymore and I'm sorry, but Dan Brown is not that great of an author. His stories are good, his plots are good but the books read more like movie scripts than novels. Sorry all you Dan Brown fans but that's just how I feel.
Anyhooooo.....I think I'm going to go to bed. I have work in the morning and I still need to jump in the shower and wash the stink off myself.
Have a good night!!
PS: Does anyone have any good tips on mending a broken heart??

Thursday 14 August 2008

Empty Desk Syndrome is a Sad, Sad Thing

I didn't take Kita into the vet today, I slept in. I stopped there to see if I could get an estimate on how much this puppy is going to cost me but they couldn't nail down a figure since they're not sure what exactly they're going to have to do. I'm crossing my fingers that they'll be able to do a payment plan and hopefully add the cost of her getting spayed and the x-rays on her hips. My dog is bow-legged. I think I got a dud in the puppy department. Her hips and legs are a mess, she can't poop right....

Work today was interesting, got a lot done. At least I think we got a lot done, it's hard to tell. There is so much going on in that place at any given moment that it's hard to tell whether or not you're making any dent in the amount of work there is to do. I just put my head down and trudge on through...editing, proofreading, copying, copying, copying, hole punching, running, having brain farts, stopping for to warm my tea for the 100th time. It sounds like it might be bad but I love it. The days fly by and there is a sense of accomplishment when that giant binder goes out the door.

There is such a thing as Empty Desk Syndrome. "Bye Bye little manual...it's been fun!!"

You know, I hate to end this blog so early but I seriously have nothing to write about. I work and come home and that's it. The only new thing I did lately was take the dog to the vet and I had lunch with an old friend yesterday. It was nice to see him again and see that he's doing well.

I can smell weed blowing in my window. Why kids feel the need to hide in my driveway to get high is beyond me. When you consider my driveway is directly perpendicular to the road, it's the highest house on the hill and everyone can see my place from pretty much anywhere on the street -- it's a pretty stupid spot to try to sneak a puff. OMG, that's getting a little overpowering, smells like I've been smoking it in here. I'm glad the kids are in bed since I'm sure I could get a residual high.

Has no one taught these kids any respect??

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Peanut Butter and Bondage

I just had toast and peanut butter. It's one of my favourites and also quite a deadly combination considering my gluttonous self could eat it endlessly. Hot toast with a little butter then smothered with peanut butter, leave it for a minute to let the peanut butter melt and then...mmmmmm........

I could eat peanut butter with a spoon, it's terrible. I should have an allergy warning stamped to my forehead. I can also eat mayo with a spoon, that's even worse and no, I haven't had both at the same time. Peanut butter with mustard, yes but PB and mayo, no. OMG, that sounded exceptionally gross. Could be worse, I could've said sardines.

Crazy day at work today. New receptionist and a lot of documents that needed to go out so I drank a lot of tea and started my caffeine buzz, ran around like an lunatic and getting most of my work done. The hard part will be tomorrow when I have to get a big document ready for approval by noon. Ugh, the thoughts of it disturb me. I just can't fathom having that crazy ass table of contents and tables working in time. Yes it will!! The power of positive thought!!

I have to take my non-poopy puppy to the vet tomorrow ... I can't even talk about it.

I'm looking for a particular book but I just can't seem to find it....hmmmm....I've been told to read The Story of O by Pauline Reage but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm sure I can find it on eBay but I try to avoid eBay as much as possible, I'm boycotting the outrageous shipping costs. I haven't read this book but I've been told now by a couple of people that it's a decent read. If anyone knows the difference, let me know. And yes, I know the basics of what it's about...unfreedom.

Somewhat of an exciting topic, isn't it??

Monday 11 August 2008


I'm really annoyed, very cranky, a little psychotic and no, I don't have PMS. I'm just tired and fed up and sick of some of the things that have been going on. I really have no one to blame but myself for some things that happen but others are beyond my control even though I have every intention of changing the circumstances that surround them.

I'm using my usually upbeat and somewhat humourous blog as a way to vent some frustration tonight. I shouldn't but I am. I really wish I could just blabber out exactly what is on my mind but for the sake of all those involved, I won't. Believe it or not, I actually started to value privacy.

Bottom line is this: I need a break. I need to be able to go for a cup of tea with my friends. I need to be able to plan a "Girls Night Out". I need to be able to walk to the store by myself if the mood hits me. I need to be able to come and go as I please, with or without the kids. I need to be closer to my friends and family. I need to be able to pack up the kids and go for a visit -- within walking distance. I need to be able to let them outside to play and not worry about crackheads and child molesters.

I'm done, I'm through with living according to the rules of others, living the way someone wants me to live, the way they want me to be. Smile and nod. Agree and don't argue. Don't get upset. Cook. Clean. Work. Stay home. They can be your friend, the others cannot. No you can't go. No, you don't need to go out. No visits, too far to drive.

The straw that broke the camels back.


Sunday 10 August 2008

The Joys of Being an ASSHAT!

Yup, that's me, and AssHat Extraordinaire. Ever have one of those days where you just slighty can't stand yourself?? I'm having one of those days. I'm not going to get into why I feel rather like a prick today, it's a little too personal but that about sums up my day. I'm sure I can clear things up, make them better but right now it sucks....

I'm knitting. Bought some yarn yesterday at Wal-Mart for a buck (regular $6.00, proud of that one) and now I'm knitting yet another scarf. I'm starting to become convinced that they're the only thing I can knit. I know the difference but I've been knitting them steadily for about a year now. Christmas gifts. Everyone seems to like something hand made that has a purpose such as keeping you warm. Maybe I should start knitting sweaters or socks or mittens too. That could be a good idea.

I'm starting a sewing project tonight. I'm practicing sewing a teddy bear before I start making this year's Christmas presents for my sisters. See, I have some old clothes that belonged to my parents and I'm going to use the fabric to make Memory Bears. I think it is a much better idea to have a nicely sewn teddy bear made with your loved ones clothes to remember them by than to just have their clothes sitting in a box packed away in a basement or closet. Maybe this is another reason I feel shitty today, I'm missing my Mom and Dad.

On that note, I'm going to try to get over the feeling of being Top Shit Head, make some supper for my girls and start sewing....wish me luck.

Friday 8 August 2008

Random Nonsense with a Sore Finger...

Don't mind me, I'm half asleep. Long day today at work...couldn't get a damn thing to work for me, it sucked. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now but I do have to admit that it took the good out of me. I edited the same report so many times that my finger actually started to get sore from scrolling the document. Can you believe that?? A sore finger?? From EDITING!!??? Yet, here I am, blogging...lol....glutton for punishment (and cake).

Does anyone know if maybe I could get a hand-working-out-machine?? You know, like a stepper or a treadmill for your hand?? Finger cardio?? Anything that will keep me from getting a scroll cramp?? Now I know that there are some brains that are going to the wrong place but I'm serious, my finger hurts. I need stronger pointer muscles.

Enough about my finger and more about my beer. I have a Corona and it's yummy. This is right around where Big Cranky would call me an alcoholic but considering that I don't normally drink, it was a long day, it's Friday and I have no plans but to go to bed when I'm finished, what's the harm? BEEEEERRRRR. Corona...no, I didn't get the hat. It's good, I'm enjoying it and I'm sure it's a little bit better for me than the 2L of ice cream I was going to shove in my gob. Gob. They were a pretty decent band.

Little Man Meatball is nine months old today. Can you believe that?? He's getting so big so fast, I don't like it. I want him to stay tiny for a little while longer but he's already pulling himself up on the furniture and starting to cruise along a little bit. Before I know it he'll be walking around and telling me "no", pointing his finger and screaming "mine". I almost can't wait but right now I just don't want to give up my snuggly Little Man.

OK. Bedtime. I just don't have it in me to write anymore.


Wednesday 6 August 2008

Oh my, dog crates and business men...

I'm sitting here straightening my hair and having a minor mental meltdown. Okay, that's a little dramatic but I am freaking out a little bit. See, I'm having a Fantasia party tomorrow night and it seemed that everyone I invited is backing out so I'm getting nervous that no one is going to show up. I know in the back of my mind that it's not true, people are coming but I just can't get that nagging, horrible feeling that it's going to be me and the lady who does the presentations sitting here staring at each other after I apologize for wasting her time.


I think I had one of those crappy days. The only difference is that I didn't really realize it was crappy until I sat down to think about it. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. Seems like I did everything twice today because I kept making a silly mistake on something or forgetting something ....bah....let it gooooooo......

I'm in a crazy mood tonight I think. It could possibly be stress from anticipating and planning this party. I'm nervous about people coming but I sure as hell am excited about it. It's not just the Fantasia stuff but the fact that my best friend is finally going to see where I live, that most of my friends are all going to be here with me for a few hours to talk and be silly girls. I haven't had the chance to do that in a very long time and I can't wait!!

My dog is snoring and I'm hoping that I'm going to be doing the same thing very, very soon...just not in a dog crate. I think it would be a little weird if I replaced my bed for a metal cage of sorts. Although, I'm sure there are certain sets of people who would probably enjoy the fact that I have a cage instead of a bed. You know, I read about a single mother who would have men come into her home on the weekend and make them do her housework. The thing was that these men would pay her up to $3500 each and she would humiliate them while they cleaned, wearing a little collar and a maid outfit. Her kids would be having their weekend visit and she would be feminizing high powered business men with no sex involved....hmmmmm.....

My hair is straight and soft and ready for the morning...

Weird post, not feeling like myself tonight....

Saturday 2 August 2008

This one is for GIRLS ONLY......

....don't say I didn't warn ya.

I have one word that is going to sum up my mood, my energy level, my tolerence level, my patience and my mental stability....



I'm baking a chocolate cake that I don't want but neeeeeeed. I'm seriously considering putting salt on it. I'm so bloated I look like I'm having another baby. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is getting on my nerves. Well, it's either getting on my nerves, making me want to cry or making me want to go to bed.

I'm so damn tired. I want to crawl in bed and wake up next week. This one is totally kicking my ass.... I find it amusing how we hate this time so much and at the same time dread the thought of it not coming at all. Quite the conundrum isn't it? It's a cruel, cruel joke Mother Nature played on us girls by giving us this "curse" of a relative such as "aunt flo". Then, on top of that cruel joke, she gives us men. Alright, I am not in the right frame of mind to even travel that road right now....

I'm going to pray to the God of Tampax that this week is going to go by quickly so this will be done and over with. Cross your fingers for me girls....I know you all know how I'm feeling right now.

My cake is almost ready and I'm really starting to wish that I had've just eaten the batter. The batter was good, I licked the bowl and the spoon and then wished I saved some of it. I can smell it and it smells f'n fantastic but I wish it was salty. Salty chocolate. Why am I thinking of South Park right now??

oooooo......I have some chips. I'm going to get a piece of cake, crumble some chips on top and then go to bed.

I have just come to the conclusion that I should be considered completely insane during this "time of the month".

Mydol, here I come.....

Friday 1 August 2008

...whoa...that was a little serious....

Holy crap, my last post was July 22nd!! What's gotten into me?? I can't believe I've become such a slacker. Wait, yes I can. I can totally believe that.

I'm making a cup of tea and mulling over my day. It was an interesting one, a fun one and one that made me think about a lot of things that are happening in my life right now. Made me think of all the things I would like to change...for the better. I think it's time to make a decision about the direction things are going...tough one...

I don't know if it's going to the gym and starting to feel better about myself or working at a job where my abilities have been praised and accepted but I know that my confidence has grown exponentially over the last few months/weeks. I know that I've been thinking a lot differently about everything in my life, what's good and bad, what's worth worrying over and what's worth forgetting, what I'm willing to put up with and what is going to be my deal breaker.....

Today I had a little ray of sunshine. Today I remembered some of good things. Today I found an old friend. Today I felt appreciated. Today I discovered a little more of who I am and who I'd like to be.

I think I need to go home.....