Tuesday 22 July 2008

My Puppy Has a Fat Ass!!

I had my very first day of working a new job today and I have to admit that I loved it. Plain and simple -- loved it. It was nice to be an office setting using my office skills...ahhhh (that was a sigh of relief). You know, I don't think I'll ever go back to a call centre unless I'm absolutely in need of a job. Execs that bring Rocky Mountain chocolates whenever they're in town will always win me over when it comes to my preference for a place of employment. Chocolate or headphones?? CHOCOLATE!!!

The girls were great today with Big Cranky and Little Man Meatball was his usual self. He was getting into everything and ended up having to be barricaded in Nanny's living room so he would stop disappearing. The great disappearing baby...maybe he'll be a magician, the next Houdini. I'm not going to say Criss Angel, he annoys me for some reason. I guess it could be because he comes across as being ridiculously fake even though some of his magic/illusion is quite impressive.

I'm watching my dog running around here thinking that she is still tiny. She's not. Her first vet appointment she was only around 14lbs but now she's 50+ lbs and it's not that easy for her to run under the table the way she used to. Watching her running around is rather hilarious since her butt looks HUGE (she's fluffy) and she's clumsy so she's sliding all over the place. Poor Kita, can't control herself on the slippery floor. Great, big puppies are the best!!

Short post tonight, I'm tired and still need to make a lunch, get my clothes ready for the morning. I'd put the girls clothes out but they like picking out their own so I'll leave that to them.

The last question is: do I take Dunkaroos??

Sunday 20 July 2008

I've been a Bad Bad Grrrrl.....

It's going to be a short one tonight I think. Had a bad night last night that I really can't explain except for a fit of temporary insanity that made perfect sense to me at the time. Actually, it still makes sense to me even if it does to no one else.

I don't have much humour in me today. I'm rather snappy, sarcastic and a little mean. Bad Allie is on the horizon & I really need a break. A good, fun girls night out would be fantastic. Even the Fantasia Party isn't holding it's same excitement as before but I think that's because it's at my place so I don't get to actually get out of the house, it's still a couple of weeks away and a lot of people are probably not going to be showing up. One more set back when it comes to that and I think I'll be canceling it.

In that new Pussycat Dolls song, is she saying "I wanna have BOOBIES"??? (That's bugging me.)

Yeah...girls night out. Get a little stupid, dance around like an idiot and have some fun without men....perfect to maintain the psyche. My brain is a mess and I'm positive that I've gone bat shit crazy. Oh Maggpie, we have to go out and cause some trouble when you come home for a visit!! I need to get out of Mommy mode for a little while.

Might be going for a Harley ride tomorrow though. That might clear up some of the anxieties. I just need to find myself a sitter for an hour or two and then just go enjoy a ride on a bike. Be a little biker bitch for a little while. Maybe it'll convince me to get my own...hmmm....

On that note....nighty night all you fellow crazies...

Thursday 17 July 2008

What do fireworks have to do with hogs?? OH...BIKES, not PIGS!!

My eyeballs are hanging out of my head & it's only 10:30 at night. I guess early days inevitably lead to early nights. I'm debating on making a cup of tea and grabbing a light snack then heading to bed. I'll probably sleep on the couch tonight since it's cooler down here and freakishly hot in my bedroom. The kids rooms are perfect but I doubt the girls would want me in bed with them and Little Man Meatball's crib probably won't hold my big ol'booty.

This post is probably going to be filled with complete nonsense since I'm doing most of my typing with my eyes closed. This is some serious right brain activity going on here...very random thought process. The cat is asleep beside me and finally quiet. She followed me around all day meowing but I don't think she really wanted me, she just wanted some crack. I should clarify...kitty crack...those treats, Feline Greenies or whatever they're called. Seriously, those things are kitty crack. I have to hide them in a ZipLoc bag in a drawer so they can't get them or they'll eat the whole thing until they puke. Even the dog likes them. Of course, the dog eats the shit out of the kids' diapers in the garbage so I guess she's not all that fussy to begin with.

I watched fireworks last night from the girls' bedroom window and they were really nice. I got to overhear the neighbours conversations about how the fireworks reportedly cost $45 000 (we don't use commas in numerical figures in Canada, that's an American thing). I guess for 45 grand it better be a good show. I also overheard a not-so-bright neighbour ask why there was a celebration for pigs. It was then very carefully explained to her that a HOG was a Harley Davidson motorcycle (it was the brief synopsis of the history) and that HOG was actually an acronym for Harley...Owners...Group....duh....and that this particular conglomeration of people who share in a mutual respect for a rather flatulent exhaust were gathering to celebrate their bikes, their individuality and a whole bunch of other things that my brain is refusing to find words for. I'm almost positive she's still confused.

I'm going to buy a Harley. I think I'll buy a really old one that's all crusty and drive it around like I'm Queen Shit of the Feces Kingdom. Maybe not. I would like to have one though, they're interesting to say the least and although I do tend to equate their sound with farting I enjoy the sound of them -- I also enjoy passing wind, keeps the belly from getting sore. So, the girl with no driver's license is going to add Harley Davidson to the list of vehicles where HUMMER H1, Hayabusa, Cessna, a yacht and many other unattainable engines lay. I like Harley names though, they're amusing. EG: Wide Glide: My butt when I dance; Softail Cross Bones: When I dance with skinny people and we get tangled up; Night Rod Special: sounds like a vibrator (I'll get that one :P); Fat Bob: That kid who lived down the street and always had cookie on their face. Alright, that's enough...I could go on but I won't or I'll be answering to a lot of angry bikers...

Honestly though, I hope the people that are here from away enjoy their stay and those from here enjoy some new faces. Just don't cut me off in traffic again.

I'm feeling rather cynical this evening...my apologies...

Wednesday 16 July 2008

I'm Back!! BACK!! Back in BLACK!!

Awwww....finally home after a month long absence doing some house-sitting. It's good to be back although I'm pretty sure I left some of my sanity at the MILs. Wait...I never had any real sanity to begin with so what am I worried about???

I had an interview with the Municipality but I'm sure that I blew it. I was tired, sweaty and completely distracted so I'm sure that I goofed up more than one question. I was thrown off guard when I was escorted to a GIANT boardroom and then sat before a panel of interviewers. OK, it was only three people but nerve-wracking nonetheless. I answered as best I could even though I really wanted to start spinning in my chair -- it was nice chair, would've been a great spin. I could imagine how fantastically dizzy I could get in that thing which is something I can't do in my chair at home....I've tried. Hey, I don't get high and rarely drink, I need something to cloud my brain now and then...

Little Man Meatball actually enjoyed the sink today. He usually hates getting bathed and screams bloody murder if I even think about getting him wet but today was different...today he splashed and played. I think he was too warm today and the water was cool with the breeze coming in the window. I just might fill the sink for myself later on. Maybe not considering my kitchen window faces the road and people can see right in. There's a sight: crazy, naked lady bathing in her sink...uhm, NO...lol.

I'm hosting a Fantasia Party at my place in August and I can't wait. I've only been to one and had soooo much fun!! I can't explain it really but you can learn things about your friends that you never knew and sort of brings you closer because you know even more secrets...lol. I kid, I kid....it's very private unless you choose to share. The sales are private which is a bonus too since no one gets to see what you bought. Honestly, I want at least one of everything. The only thing I'm really worried about is no one showing up. I had a party here once before and it ended up being me and a girl from work sitting around and staring at each other. I invited quite a few people and I'm crossing my fingers that most will come and bring a friend or two -- it'll be a good night (I hope). I really, really don't want it to be me and the presenter staring at each other.

Anyhoo...I'm done for now. This humidity is killing me and I need something cold...

Thursday 3 July 2008

Too Hot, Too Cranky

It's back to the call centre for me. A bizillion resumes and no luck finding a new job. Tired of waiting and the EI is finished so off I go to a new training class. Ugh...I don't even want to think about it.

It's too hot and it's making me cranky. Any humour is trickling out and being replaced by Pepsi and crabbiness. I feel the snarky sarcasm coming on.

It's been a rotten couple of days anyway. Karma is biting me in the ass hardcore and I'm not liking it. No new job offers, no new jobs listed, no luck with my contacts at the Practice Depot and Ann Terry Project, I can't find my favourite jeans or my favourite shirt, I still have indigestion from over the weekend (pretty nasty actually), Little Man Meatball decided he doesn't like to sleep, Little Miss is getting up twice a night (they rotate their waking times), EI came early which throws my whole budget schedule off kilter (not really, I just want to complain)....shall I go on??

Ugh...I have to go on the hunt for some clean undies for the next couple of days since I'm too lazy to do the laundry tonight. Maybe, just maybe, I'll find my favourite cloths up there in the mess. Come to think of it, there are clothes missing that belong to the girls too....is there an clothes thief in my house....

....who has my jeans, Willis???