Monday 6 July 2009

Oh you dirty, dirty dishes …

I have a “To-Do” list as long as my arm of things I’d like to either get started to have finished today but instead I’m sitting on my ass and blogging.  I would love to make a “Honey-Do” list but it’s a little difficult when there is a lack of a honey.  I’m not complaining about the lack of one, quite enjoy being single actually, I just want someone else around to take over sanding the damn kitchen wall.  Is that so much to ask?  Besides, I’m short and I don’t have a step ladder so the tops of the walls are a little beyond me at this point.  Standing on a chair works but even then I still have to stretch.

My list includes painting.  I don’t want to paint, it’s lost it’s charm now.  I just want to close my eyes and it’s over and painted and pretty.  Colourful and wonderful and done. 

Then there are the dishes.  The everyday, three times a day chore that is the bane of my existence.  I hate those things to the point where I’m actually considering becoming a scourge on the planet and buying disposable crap.  But the pots and pans, still stuck washing those suckers.  It’s not a bad job, not horrible and it only takes a few minutes but it never ends.  They are always sitting on the counter staring at me with their dirt.  I can almost hear them in a whispered sleazy voice: “oooh we’re dirty, dirty dishes, clean us silly woman, dip me in the hot water and wash my dirty off.”  Okay, that was weird.

Dishes are usually hand-in-hand with laundry.  They are the dynamic duo of the “to-do” list.  They are the ones that you write down just because you’ll have to do it anyway.  Sort of like bread and milk on a grocery list, you always have to buy them so you just write them down first.  At least I do anyway.  Laundry is a dark place that I don’t want to go right now … shudder…

The housework isn’t bad, I don’t mind it.  Keeps  my busy and makes the day go buy a little faster but it does get overwhelming since I’m the only one doing it with a house full.  All the cleaning, all the cooking.  I’m going to start my training of the babies.  Meatball is almost two, he can start cooking breakfast from now on, hehe.  Little Miss can do the dishes and Miss Lily can do the laundry … there, it’s settled …

Oh if only it were that easy.

My list also has budgeting, cancelling (don’t ask), a giant list of phone calls to make and lots of other stuff that I really don’t want to do today.

HA!!  I figured it out!!  I’m avoiding my list because I have a horrible case of the “THE MONDAYS”!!

Sunday 5 July 2009

Sleepy Much??

I’m half asleep.  It’s almost time to start cooking supper and I’m laying on the couch under a blanket listening to the kids play while forcing my eyes to remain open.  I look slightly psychotic at the present moment – wide eyed with the occasional head nod into a semi-slumber.  I’m doing well in the no drooling department although I’m sure if I did allow myself to nod off, I’d be in a different situation.  Eyes open = no drool.

You know, if I was on the bus right now, I’d be the crazy person.  There is always that one person who looks a little out of their mind on the bus and right now, that would be me.  I am a little better dressed and I put deodourant on today so I at least I smell better than the other half-asleep loons on public transit.

Where the Hell is this post going?

I’m not too sure so I’m going to blame it on my fatigue and just go with that.  People can blame anything on fatigue.  “Sorry officer, didn’t realize I murdered my roommate, I was really tired.”  Okay, maybe not that far but you get my drift here.  Sometimes lack of sleep or even when we do get enough sleep but are tired for other reasons causes our brain to become ever so slightly catatonic with a speckle of functionality.  I’m at that point right now.  I’d probably agree to just about anything right now.

“Hey Allie, gonna rob a bank, need you to drive the getaway car.”

“Sure, no problem, just gotta pee first.”

See, the thing with that situation is that I can’t drive.  Or maybe the problem is that the last sentence didn’t say I wouldn’t do it because it’s blatantly wrong and illegal, just that I can’t drive.   Ugh.  Time for a nap.