Wednesday 29 October 2008

This is what she thinks of you....

Intense and she can't explain it. You seem to be the elusive blend; nice guy tempered with perfect hint of tough guy, just enough to make her feel safe again. You don't play on her, use her, toy with her but know how to act with her; react to her. You make her trust without realizing it. Give her hope without really offering it. You appreciate what she does and who she is, with you and for you. You're genuine, honest and explicit. You held the door, you asked permission, you have an infectious smile.

You are, in no uncertain terms, very much a gentleman. Take this blogger's word when I say that you really took this girl by surprise, opened her eyes. She thanks you for being her friend but is scared to tell you the rest. So, as a favour, I helped her and hopfully, you'll realize just how close she holds you and the impact you have. You are held in high regard.

Take this post as whatever you wish. I'm not revealing anything, don't ask.

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