Sunday 26 October 2008

Parental Embarrassment & Cabana vs.Canadian Boys

So, my first official post as an actual writer. Interesting to say the least. Miss Lily is in her room watching a movie because I guess a walk for a cup of tea to Tim's is enough Mommy time for her, lol. Little bugger is six and already starting to be embarrassed by mom! I'm going to have to play with this one...hehe. I am going to sit down and make my plans for embarrassing my children. I think, as a parent, we have an innate, devine right to make out kids roll their eyes and groan while exclaiming the longest whiniest "MOOOOooooooooommmmmmm stooooop ittttt". It's our parental privilage and their right of passage. Hey, they have to learn how to embarrass their own kids through us so it's also a learning experience. I just never thought it would start at six!

She's a great kids, I'm one hell of a lucky mom. She's a great kid. I'm also writing early today to avoid doing my dishes. I hate doing dishes, they're horrible contraptions of evil. If I had room, I'd buy a dishwasher OR I would just hire someone to do them for me. Sounds like a good plan to me. Now I just need a really high paying job and I'll be able to hire nanny's and housekeepers and cabana boys.

What does a cabana boy do exactly??

Could you even get one in Canada??

I'm sure I could find one but he'd be outifitted in a Dickies sweater and some wool socks, fancy ass long johns and Northern warmth regalia. Yeah, nevermind, that's a typical Canadian boy. I bet Canadian boys would blow a heating fan on you instead of fanning you with a palm leaf. They would bring you Labatt Blue instead of Corona; Rock Lobsters instead of Marguaritas. You know, picking between a Cabana Boy and a Canadian Boy is a little difficult, seems they both have their perks.

Alright...losing my mind now. Those dishes are calling and since I have company on the way, maybe I should get my house cleaned up.

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