Wednesday 21 January 2009

Wagon Wheel & Smarties

I have groceries. Yup, I finally broke down and went to the grocery store and you'll never guess what I bought:

Wagon Wheels

Yes, I am a dork and you did read that correctly. It says "Wagon Wheels". I'm sure everyone my age has a bit of nostalgia for those things. Round graham wafers with marshmallow smooshed in the middle and covered with yummy chocolate. It conjures images of school lunches and recess treats. You must remember sneaking into the cupboard with the "lunch food" that you weren't allowed to touch and stealing a Wagon Wheel and run outside with it, hide under or in something and just enjoy.

Alright, maybe I was the only one.

I came home with my prize in my groceries and was excited to show Miss Lily. To my surprise, she didn't really care. I was shocked as I stood there holding one of the best lunch treats in the whole world, aside from pudding and cigarettes (don't ask) and she was more excited over the apples and the whole grain bagels for breakfast. Oh, to say I was disappointed was an understatement. I know my face fell and my hopes for all childhood were dashed at that moment. Okay, so that's a little dramatic but you get the picture.

I made her look at me as I shook the beautiful red box at her and told her that they were soooo delicious and such a treat that she should be excited that I bought them for her for her lunches or recess snack. She just looked at me, doe-eyed and knowing that her mother was merely having a fit of insanity. I tried to explain that when I was a little girl they were one of my favourite treats and that it was nice to see that she could have a treat like Mommy did when she was little.

She just kept staring at me like I was going to start force feeding her a Wagon Wheel. I finally breathed and stopped my wonton rant about all things great and Wagon Wheel and put the box on the table with the rest of the groceries that were waiting for me to put them away. I shrugged at her mispent youth and quietly put my stuff away. My little girl had turned on her heel and went to her room to finish putting toys away and get out of range of her Wagon Wheel obsessed mother.

Then...a blessing....Miss Lily appeared in the kitchen about ten minutes later, after I was finished putting away my treasures and turned on the kettle. Those big, blue eyes looked at me and asked me the redeeming question:

"Mommy, did you get any Smarties?"


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