Thursday 11 December 2008

Body Revolution - An Epic Battle....

Soooo.....the last few times I tried to do this I turned into a raving lunatic and really cut into a few people, told them exactly what I thought of them which really wasn't good. I have no idea where the thought process is going to take me tonight except that I hope it doesn't end up in the draft list with all the other pieces of anger I let fly the last few nights. I'm going to blame the holidays, BAH HUMBUG!!

Tonight I ate chicken and fries and it is wreaking havoc on my stomach. My large intestine has begun a revolution with the small one, led by my stomach which is dragging in my innocent esophagus into the whole revolution and they are all heading a coup of my midsection. I'm sure my liver and kidneys are wearing Che style t-shirts in support, only replace his picture with that of a colon.

Christmas is going to be a blast without being able to eat anything other than broth, steamed fish and veggies. Everything as bland as possible for this nameless demon that is living inside me, instigating this whole situation. I'm going to call on my brain, heart and lungs to stand with me against the revolting digestive system and call on them to lessen their attack, tame the vicious beast they name Cramp and slow the monster called Trots! I'm praying to all things Pepto-Bismol for some relief of the incessant need get the idea.

There you have it people, I'm calling on my neurons to protest my illness, whatever it may be! We'll find out in the next couple of months I'm sure but until then, let's hope that the Power of Bland will prevail and my most visited room in the house will not be the Throne Room any longer!!

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