Sunday 20 July 2008

I've been a Bad Bad Grrrrl.....

It's going to be a short one tonight I think. Had a bad night last night that I really can't explain except for a fit of temporary insanity that made perfect sense to me at the time. Actually, it still makes sense to me even if it does to no one else.

I don't have much humour in me today. I'm rather snappy, sarcastic and a little mean. Bad Allie is on the horizon & I really need a break. A good, fun girls night out would be fantastic. Even the Fantasia Party isn't holding it's same excitement as before but I think that's because it's at my place so I don't get to actually get out of the house, it's still a couple of weeks away and a lot of people are probably not going to be showing up. One more set back when it comes to that and I think I'll be canceling it.

In that new Pussycat Dolls song, is she saying "I wanna have BOOBIES"??? (That's bugging me.)

Yeah...girls night out. Get a little stupid, dance around like an idiot and have some fun without men....perfect to maintain the psyche. My brain is a mess and I'm positive that I've gone bat shit crazy. Oh Maggpie, we have to go out and cause some trouble when you come home for a visit!! I need to get out of Mommy mode for a little while.

Might be going for a Harley ride tomorrow though. That might clear up some of the anxieties. I just need to find myself a sitter for an hour or two and then just go enjoy a ride on a bike. Be a little biker bitch for a little while. Maybe it'll convince me to get my own...hmmm....

On that note....nighty night all you fellow crazies...

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