Wednesday 16 July 2008

I'm Back!! BACK!! Back in BLACK!!

Awwww....finally home after a month long absence doing some house-sitting. It's good to be back although I'm pretty sure I left some of my sanity at the MILs. Wait...I never had any real sanity to begin with so what am I worried about???

I had an interview with the Municipality but I'm sure that I blew it. I was tired, sweaty and completely distracted so I'm sure that I goofed up more than one question. I was thrown off guard when I was escorted to a GIANT boardroom and then sat before a panel of interviewers. OK, it was only three people but nerve-wracking nonetheless. I answered as best I could even though I really wanted to start spinning in my chair -- it was nice chair, would've been a great spin. I could imagine how fantastically dizzy I could get in that thing which is something I can't do in my chair at home....I've tried. Hey, I don't get high and rarely drink, I need something to cloud my brain now and then...

Little Man Meatball actually enjoyed the sink today. He usually hates getting bathed and screams bloody murder if I even think about getting him wet but today was he splashed and played. I think he was too warm today and the water was cool with the breeze coming in the window. I just might fill the sink for myself later on. Maybe not considering my kitchen window faces the road and people can see right in. There's a sight: crazy, naked lady bathing in her sink...uhm,

I'm hosting a Fantasia Party at my place in August and I can't wait. I've only been to one and had soooo much fun!! I can't explain it really but you can learn things about your friends that you never knew and sort of brings you closer because you know even more I kid, I's very private unless you choose to share. The sales are private which is a bonus too since no one gets to see what you bought. Honestly, I want at least one of everything. The only thing I'm really worried about is no one showing up. I had a party here once before and it ended up being me and a girl from work sitting around and staring at each other. I invited quite a few people and I'm crossing my fingers that most will come and bring a friend or two -- it'll be a good night (I hope). I really, really don't want it to be me and the presenter staring at each other.

Anyhoo...I'm done for now. This humidity is killing me and I need something cold...

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