Monday 13 April 2009

Resurrection Adventures

It’s Easter.  My house is full of noise and chocolate.  There are a couple of dolls and one hell of a kick-ass car set but for the most part, it’s all chocolate

I started out my Saturday in a flurry of laziness.  I shirked my dishes and my laundry, just stared at it sitting on top of the kitchen table begging to be folded and the counter pleading to be shoved into some hot water.  I could do nothing but roll my eyes and stir my tea.  I needed a day off.  I managed to get the babies and I dressed and washed which was a good thing considering Maggpie called for some impromptu shopping.

Shopping was fun for a change.  Didn’t seem quite like the battle I usually have but then again, I wasn’t alone.  We hit Wally-World and found absolutely nothing and so, opted to explore the vast expanse of" “The Mall” which turned out to be a lot better.  We really only went on an adventure to one particular store and that’s where I found what I was looking for.  I also found a Christian Audigier handbag that I would love love love to have but really can’t justify the expense right now.  Maybe I could write it off as a fashion crisis?  No?  I didn’t think so.  But c’mon people, CHRISTIAN AUDIGIER HANDBAG!!  Need I say more???

Okay, I’ll stop.

After the big one stop shopping trip the “The Mall”, we meandered our way to a new restaurant in said mall.  It all started out great with crayons, little colouring books and ended with the Meatball throwing his chicken nuggets all over the place.  He discovered he can throw and he’s got quite an arm on him which makes things a little difficult to control.  Random baseball pitched chicken nuggets followed by an empty plastic cup.  Fun.  Honestly, it is rather hilarious but we’re not going to let on to the Meatball that we think that way.  I think I’d like him to grow out of this one.

Saturday ended well with three babies happily going to bed.  Meatball fell asleep almost right way while the girls talked and laughed about what the Easter Bunny was going to bring them.  They were so excited and had to get up to pee many, many times.  I’m positive that it was just to check to see if he was there yet.  My girls are just like me, always peeking at the surprise.

Mommy’s Saturday night was just as good.  Maggpie came for wine and an old friend came for company.  However, waking up Sunday morning was a different story.  I realized that you shouldn’t take a day off from sweeping when you wake up to find a French fry on your bedroom floor from supper the night before.  That’s just highly embarrassing and oddly humourous.  I found that at seven in the morning while the girls were hollering at me that they needed to pee and couldn’t hold it.  I did my half-asleep run to the room and took them down and got the Meatball out of his crib.

At this point insanity ensued.  The damn bunny was here and he left presents.  The Easter egg hunt was a huge success and the presents were even bigger.  Simple things, small things and yet, such a treat.  They had their breakfast and dressed themselves in their new clothes then had a couple of treats.  Not much.  I asked if they wanted more and they asked for a banana instead … they make me wonder.

Once the extravaganza of destroying the living room and me discovering that I need an engineering degree to open a Barbie Doll, the babies all went to visit Nanny and Big Cranky…

That’s when my adventure began …

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