Wednesday 24 February 2010

Spreadsheets & Shit?

Oh my. Here goes another one. Nothing really happened the last couple of days. That doesn't sound quite right but seriously, it didn't. Little interesting tidbits of crud peppered between having my head down in spreadsheets or shit. Literal stinky baby diaper shit. Spreadsheets and shit. Why am I now singing that to the tune of Liquor and Whores?

Yesterday started with me learning that Karma has a sense of humour. I had the early morning rush on Miss Lily to get her tiny behind out the door to get to the sitter's so she could then get to school and, subsequently, me to the damn bus. They should really run every three minutes so I can slow down a little in the morning. No matter how early I get up or how much I get done the night before, I still end up running around like a fool in the morning. I should also have my own ferry. One that takes me right to work, drops me off on one of those pontoon things on the rig. Oh that'd be nice: Alyson Metro Transit.

Anyway, I digress from my point. In shooing Miss Lily out the door, I ended up having the brush check (hair & teeth). Teeth were good but hair wasn't so I gave her a speech about how it's important to always be washed with your teeth and hair brushed before she leaves the house. I helped her brush her hair and out the door we went. I may have been a little hard on her, we were both rushed, cranky and tired.

She got to the sitter's place; I got to the bus stop -- late. Sooooo, while sitting at the bus stop, Superman swung by and picked me up which was great since it meant Tim Horton's and a warm car with loud music to wake me the f**k up. What did I discover in the Tim Horton's drive through? I forgot to brush my damn hair when I got out of the shower. Ugh. Karma has a sense of humour. I made sure to give my girl a big hug when I got to see her.

It's getting late and I think I'm finally getting tired. Aside from that, I've had a long night last night with two very sick little people. Little Miss and Little Man both ended up at IWK emerge with horrible coughs and what sounded like fluid in their lungs. Ended up that both were perfectly fine aside from Little Miss having a double whammy ear infection but a 4am arrival at home wiped us all out. I did get to work from home today so I could stay home with them which was great. I love my job. I seriously love my job. Weird eh? I almost think I'd do it for free. Wait, I don't love it that much. I don't even love it enough to still do it with a pay cut. Maybe I don't love it as much as I thought I did.

Well, my babies are getting healthy again. They're all asleep and happy. Little Man woke up a little while ago but he's easy to get back to sleep when he's not feeling well, a toy car and some Tylenol. Easy as pie. Snuggles don't hurt either although I'm pretty sure they're more for me than him.

On that note, my battery on the laptop is dying and I'm too lazy to plug it in right now. Just to end this thing: I bought a brush at the drugstore next to shipyard and took care of the matted, wet, unbrushed shower hair.


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