Wednesday 3 July 2013

Here we go ...

Here we go, it begins again and by "it" I mean the job search.  I spent the day trying to retype my resume since my voice recognition software decided it hated my accent.  It will get done, slowly but surely.  I need to get back to work sooner than later so, I'm going to attempt to cross my fingers that at this time next week I will either have a return to work date, a new job on the horizon or some promising leads.

I promised myself that I was going to make this blog a little journal but I've been slow again.  Monday of last week turned into a trip to work to discuss new duties which are nothing and I'm being thrown back into a job that I couldn't keep up with but now I'll get to do it with a really weird keyboard.  I tried to explain that taking calls from clients is out of the question for me now since I cannot keep up with their metrics but they're not having it.  I'm told that I just need to pick which keyboard is easier to use and I'll be fine.  It definitely worried me a little that none of my new ergonomic equipment or desk was set-up aside from a lop-sided hydraulic desk even though my return to work is imminent.  Seems odd for me to say that given the above paragraph doesn't it but I'll get to that.

The rest of the week was trying to argue with my insurance company and my doctor that it shouldn't cost me $60 for two pieces of paper to show that although the symptoms that put me off work in the first place aren't gone but instead, we know how to work with them now that a diagnosis has been reached.  My doctor says getting back to a normal life would probably be beneficial while my insurance is screaming about liabilities.  So, a post-dated cheque, papers get faxed and my insurance company was happy to have something from my doctor telling them the same thing I was telling them for weeks:  "ready, willing and able but with limited capacity".  Insurance says legally my employer has to comply, they'll do a return to work plan with them, I'll probably be back within a week and I start getting excited to return to a routine.  With my blessing (more like begging) insurance sends the papers off to my employer aaaaand we wait.

And wait ... I'm rolling my eyes and realizing I have work clothes to wash and get ready for my return.

And wait ... Review payroll compliance legislature.

And wait ... It's Friday, I want to be back on Tuesday after the Canada Day holiday but still no word.  

Today I get an email with a letter as an attachment.  I had a little shake and dance thinking it was  my return to work plan but no, it wasn't.  Instead what I received was a letter stating that numerous attempts to contact my employer had failed and as such, my return could not be approved but my leave extended until August 4th.   What happens after August 4th?  I am advised to apply for long term disability until they can speak with my employer to work out my return and ensure that I can be accomodated.  I've been off since February with them having my ergonomic assessment report completed in December so this is not sudden news that I will require this equipment and the fact that I've been in touch with the members of the management of this company updating them regularly since I've been off, my current physical status shouldn't be a surprise either.

My brain went haywire, I'm sure even the lesions did a little W(hat) T(the) F(uck).  How can my employer, a nationally recognized, global payroll service provider not be reached?  My insurance company was reaching out to them for a week with no results.  Phone calls, emails and faxes were not returned or responded to or even acknowledged that the were received.  My case worker with my insurance seems just as frustrated as I am since my insurance is running out and she can't say, "sure, go back to work tomorrow" with no plan in place or the employer advising that yes, the doors will be open.

What do I do?  I contact my employer.  I call and email my supervisor, my secondary supervisor and the Human Resources department head.  Oddly enough, this company hides the emails and phone numbers of it's upper echelon very well and I was unable to reach out to them.  It's well passed the end of the day and guess what?  No answer, nothing, nodda, diddly-fuckin'-squat.  Is there a hint here I should be getting?  Seems that way.

Now, the real "WHAT DO I DO?" ... Panic? Cry?  Hell no, I move on.  I'd like to stay with this company and have a career there but if they're going to make going back there difficult for me then I'm at a point where I have to look elsewhere.  Maybe this is a hidden gem, a little kick in the arse telling me that I am meant for something else.  It's not going to hurt me to get that resume typed up and out there just in case this employer never reaches out for my return.  No point in getting worked up about it, I don't have the whole story yet and, in the meantime, my insurance is still good for the rest of the month giving me lots of time to get my shit together ... again.  All of this nonsense has a silver lining in it somewhere and, being oddly calm about the whole thing, I have a gut feeling that better things are on the horizon.

Holy crap!  I just realized that I am in a constant state of reinvention!  Interesting .... but before I ponder that tiny epiphany I have to ask:  anyone have a line on a job?


  1. I don't understand why you are having such a difficult time... I had no issues from them... It has to by your team leaders... mine was diligent in having everything ready for me to come back to work when I was ready.

    It sickens me when some people are all about the stats and not about the person... I hope you feel better soon...

    I am looking for a lead on an apartment... any in your neighborhood... lol ?

    1. Mine don't seem to care too much but that's okay, it has nothing to do with me and everthing to do with them.

      I so believe that there may be one coming up in my building. I'll chat with my landlord :)

  2. I've had the same the trouble Alyson, I only JUST got my ROE from them last week, and I left May 31st. hmmmmm... and i never did get money that was owed to me, back in Jan when I was off sick doing return to work, i was missing money. I was told it was because they pay two weeks behind. ok, I counted it and yes that worked out. When I left I figured I would still have a pay coming to me, ummm no... because we pay to date. hmmmmm again! I tried getting through but no luck..

    1. For such a large and "professional" company, I don't think they know what they're doing all that well. Either that or that's how they weed people out.

      That doesn't sound fair Elizabeth and the sad thing is that we're not the only ones. I'm on day three of trying to get a hold of them.


Come on...let me know what you think... or just follow me on twitter @blueallieboo and rant to me there ;)