Monday 29 September 2008


It's been awhile. Oh well, shit happens, I got busy and now I'm completely shirking my responsibilities to the plethora of boxes that are cluttering my house, open and begging to be filled. How the hell did I just make a cardboard box sound dirty? It's a talent I guess. Maybe my brain is still stuck on the Story of O. Box bondage...I'm Mistress Adhesive, I control them with tape....punish them by pulling it off....
Alright, getting a little insane here.
I have no idea what I'm doing tonight. I know I need to pack but I just can't bring myself to do it. I just wish everything would magically appear in the new apartment. Speaking of new I have any volunteers to help me move furniture around?? Actually, I need help putting beds together because, well, I suck. I am the farthest thing from being handy as they come. Don't get me wrong, I can take care of myself, I can fix stuff but...and a big but (much like the one that follows behind me)...there is no guarantee that it'll stay together or remain upright. Oh my, do what I can I guess.
I just did some laundry...eeeevil laundry. I am very sick of washing and folding and putting in a box; washing and folding and putting in a box; repeat. Then there's the dishes...washing and drying and putting in a box. I don't remember any of my other moves being so monotonous and slow. I feel like I'm never going to get it finished. Miss Cat from work came to help me yesterday and we did get a good bit of it done but still, this is insane!! There are still boxes in my closet and boxes in the basement that have to be seen to. I'm seriously considering just sitting under my table when the movers get here on Saturday and telling them just to do what they can.
Why didn't I hire packers when I hired the movers??
The age old question I time I move, which hopefully won't be for a very long, long time, I have to remember to hire packers. Fuck. Dishes, I have to finish those tonight too and I really don't want to...WAAAAA....I think I'd like some cheese with my whine...somebody call the waaaamubulance....
Oh, and as per the previous blog post, I have discovered the answer to the Great Mystery. I have been told, in no uncertain terms, that the only reason a man will hold the wall in front of him to pee is....
Somehow, this answer doesn't surprise me and I am rather befuddled that I could not draw such an obvious conclusion myself. I guess that just proves that men are simple and women like to complicate things....

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